St Philip & St James Church

Tel: 01625 581477
Email the Parish Office


We are a welcoming, open and inclusive church, meeting in the centre of the community. Whether you are looking to join the church family on a regular basis, or are enquiring about becoming part of the church for a special event, such as a wedding or a baptism, these pages should give you all that you need to know.


There are several ways you can join us for worship, our regular pattern is listed below:

  • 8am on Sunday in church.
  • NEW!  9.45am on Sunday in church.  Children's Story for children of all ages in the St James Chapel.  Activities at the back of the church from 10am.
  • 10am on Sunday in church. Live streamed through Facebook.  
  • 11:30am on Wednesday in church.
  • 6:30pm on Sunday. Evening Service. Varies throughout the month. See calendar.
  • 10am on Tuesdays - Tuesday Tots. 
  • Pray with Robin at 5:30pm Tuesday to Fridays in church or via Zoom. Contact us for the zoom link.
  • Click HERE to sign up to receive our weekly news bulletins sent every Friday.


Sermon - Sunday 26th January

Robin's sermon for Sunday 26th January

Epiphany 3 The Nazareth Manifesto and the Inauguration of President Trump

Texts 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a an Luke 4: 16-30



Preparation of our New Electoral Roll

Link to Form

This year we have to prepare a new Electoral Roll.  All members on the Roll already, who wish to stay on the Roll, and also anyone who would like to be on the Roll for the first time, must sign a new application form.   This has to be in a set format, and you can download a copy of the Form here.  Please print off and return the signed form to church as soon as possible and at the LATEST BY 2ND MARCH.  If you prefer, you can obtain a paper copy of the form from the back of the church.

Being on the Roll is a way you can show your support for our church and also means you can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, this year fixed for 30th March. 

Thank you very much for your help.



Alderley Edge Bible Study

The next Bible Study meeting is Monday 3rd February


Where do the Ten Commandments fit into the life of our church?

What relevance do these ancient commands have for lives in the 21st century?  How do they fit with our mission to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ?  the new series of Bible Studies for 2024-5 will focus on the Ten Commandments, with a stellar line-up of different speakers to lead discussions.  We meet on the first Monday of the month.

All Welcome.  For more information please email



Prayers for Living in Love and Faith

Prayers for living in love and faith have been approved for use in our church.  This means that the vicar can now offer prayers of blessing to same sex couple who have got married in another place.  If you want to find out more about this, please email the vicar on



Annual Report 2023

To read a copy of the Annual Report for 2023 please click here.

Copies available in Church or please email to have a copy emailed to you.





Tuesday 18th February
10:00am - 12:00pm -
Tuesday 25th February
10:00am - 12:00pm -
Tuesday 4th March
10:00am - 12:00pm -
Tuesday 11th March
10:00am - 12:00pm -
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