1 Corinthians 1: 18-25
I am very pleased that it now looks as if our Good Friday walk of witness will be on the road. Churches Together in Alderley has been in discussions with the Parish Council and it looks as if they will organise the necessary closing of the roads. And so we will walk from the Methodist church, through the heart of this somewhat status conscious community, to complete our worship in this church.
I am relieved that we will not be walking on the pavement. We were in danger of becoming a church that thought it was normal to walk on the pavement instead of on the road and even to take out insurance so that we could call on others to follow us in walking on the pavement without incurring liabilities.
Our walk of witness will hold up the traffic. It will challenge the casual by-stander and shopper. We will look strange to some people. We will look foolish to others. We will be recalling that walk of shame that Christ took, bearing the means of his execution on his bleeding back, enduring the taunts of the city folk throwing his claims of divinity back in his face.
We walk to remember this foolishness. We walk to remember that this foolishness is for us, the power of God and the wisdom of God. It is the saving power of God, to be understood in God’s weakness, which is stronger than any human strength.