We are a church of approximately 130 people.
It is easy to get to know us. Our photographs are up at the back of church.
Here are some people though that you might want to know about:
Robin Pye is our vicar. You can call him on 07794 122602. Better still send him a text.
Or email him on revrobinpye@gmail.com. Robin was ordained priest in 2016, before that he worked for FC United of Manchester. And before that he was a teacher.
Robin keeps chickens and grows vegetables at the vicarage.
Loveday Alexander is our assistant priest. She has been a priest at our church for over 20 years.
She was for many years professor of Bliblical Studies at the University of Sheffield, having studied classics, philiosphy and ancient history at Oxford University.
Since she retired in 2007, she has been serving the wider church though teaching and writing as well as keeping in touch with the academic world. Loveday was also the canon theologian at Chester Cathedral.
She has two children and two grandchildren.
Sue Mills is our pastoral worker. She is recently retired from a career as an occupational therapist.
Sue leads new initiatives to increase social and community activities and help to encourage pastoral care at our church.