"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
Here at St Philip & St James we offer a Christian funeral service to anyone who wants one.
If you are unable to attend a funeral which is still happening with others attending
Download a simple service to say at home if you are unable to attend a funeral here.
Why not take a few moments to think, write, or draw some of your memories of the person? Later you may be able to share that with others at a special memorial service.
You can still pray at home –see here for some ideas.
You could also read a poem or look at Psalm 23.
You could write a card to others who are missing the person you are grieving.
Remember that when this crisis is over [and it will pass] there will always be services for remembering organised by the church and anyone can go to these services.
It may be possible to follow a copy of the order of service that the family have prepared or to watch the service via a livestream (many funeral venues are offering the latter).
It may also be possible for the local church to help you organise a formal or informal service to remember afterwards.
If you were unable to say goodbye
This is particularly hard, and the best thing to do is to talk to someone about your feelings.
Many of the things above will also help, and there are prayers that might help here
Again, lighting a candle online might help.
For more information please contact the Vicar Rev Robin Pye
01625 581477 revrobinpye@gmail.com 07794 122602
With thanks to Revd Bryony Taylor for the above wording and resources.