Every weekday from the start of the first Covid19 lockdown in March 2020 to the end of the second lockdown in May 2021, we sent out a daily email containing our Thought for the Day. The thought usually contained a passage of scripture followed by a personal reflection on the passage.
Our Thought for the Day programme is now active during for Lent 2025. It was also brought back for Lent and Advent in previous years.
This has been our programme:
- 5th March to 15th April (2025) - Lent 2025
- 4th to 23rd December (2023) - Advent 2023
- 22nd February to 8th April (2023) - Lent 2023
- 7th March to 17th April (2022) - Lent 2022
- 13th May to 23rd May (2021) - Thy Kingdom Come - Ascension Day to Pentecost
- 3rd May to 12th May (2021) - The First Letter of Peter
- 19th April to 30th April (2021) - The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
- 17th February to 3rd April (2021) - Lent - The Gospel according to Mark
- 28th January to 16th February (2021) - The Book of Ecclesiastes
- 18th January to 27th January (2021) - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- 7th January to 15th January (2021) - The first letter of John
- 30th November to 23rd December (2020) - Advent
- 26th October to 27th November (2020) - Thoughts based on the readings for Morning Prayer
- 1st September to 23rd October (2020)- The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
- 6th to 31st July (2020) - The Story of Ruth
- 1st June to 3rd July (2020) - Back to the Acts
- 21st to 30th May (2020) - Ascension Day to Pentecost
- 14th April to 19th May (2020) - The Acts of the Apostles
- 10th to 13th April (2020) - Easter Week
- 25th March to 9th April (2020) - Mainly Psalms
Lent 2025
- 25 March - We have the Stars Luke 13. 18-35
- 24 March - Rules Glorious Rules Luke 13. 10-17
- 22 March - Signs of the Times and Second Chances Luke 12.54-13:9
- 21 March - Ready for Action Luke 12. 35-48
- 20 March - The Rich Fool Luke 12. 13-34
- 19 March - Choosing the Better Part Luke 10. 38-42
- 18 March - The Good Samariton Luke 10. 25-37
- 17 March - Seventy Others Luke 10. 1-24
- 15 March - No room at the Inn (again..) Luke 9. 51-62
- 14 March - Do you see this Woman? Luke 7.36 - 8.3
- 13 March - Jesus heals a Centurion's Servant Luke 7. 1-10
- 12 March - Blessed are the Poor Luke 6. 20-49
- 11 March - Awesome! Luke 5. 1-11
- 10 March - Home Town Prophet Luke 4. 16-30
- 8 March - Nunc Demittis Luke 2. 22-40
- 7 March - Who do you think you are? Luke 3. 21-38
- 6 March - And you Child Luke 1. 67-80
- 5 March - A Voice Crying in the Wilderness Luke 3. 1-6
Advent 2023
- 23 December - The Benedictus Luke 1. 67-end
- 22 December - Struck Dumb Luke 1. 57-66
- 21 December - Levelling Up Not Down Luke 1. 46-56
- 20 December - Recognition Luke 1. 39-45
- 19 December - Here I am Luke 1. 26-38
- 18 December - The Life Before Luke 1. 5-25
- 15 December - Unshakable Faith Romans 8. 31-end
- 14 December - On Tiptoe Romans 8. 18-25
- 13 December - Children of God Romans 8. 12-17
- 12 December - Spiritual Eggshells Romans 8. 1-11
- 11 December - The Secret of Living in the Moment James 1. 7-11
- 8 December - Danny's Story Lamentations 3. 19-33
- 7 December - Jacob and his Sons Genesis 49. 1-28
- 6 December - Message from Micah Micah 7. 1-7
- 5 December - Monty's Treat Psalm 123
- 4 December - Competing Prophecies Jeremiah 14. 13-end
Lent 2023
- 8 April - A Rock-cut Tomb Matthew 27. 51-66
- 7 April - My God, My God, Why have you Forsaken Me? Matthew 27. 31-50
- 6 April - Are you the King of the Jews? Matthew 27. 1-30
- 5 April - At the House of Caiaphas Matthew 26. 57-75
- 4 April - An Opportune Time Matthew 26. 31-56
- 3 April - Amazing Love Matthew 26. 1-30
- 1 April - When He Comes Matthew 25
- 31 March - Keep Watch Matthew 24.36-25.13
- 30 March - The Day and the Hour Matthew 24. 1-35
- 29 March - Locking People Out Matthew 23
- 28 March - The Greatest Commandment Matthew 22. 34-40
- 27 March - In the Streets of the City Matthew 21. 18-46
- 25 March - Just as I am Matthew 22. 1-14
- 24 March - Your King is Coming Matthew 21. 1-17
- 23 March - Who is the Greatest? Matthew 20
- 22 March - The Secret of Eternal Life Matthew 19. 1-30
- 21 March - How often should I Forgive
- 20 March - Like a Little Child Matthew 18. 1-14
- 18 March - Meeting God in Awsomeness and in Intimacy Matthew 17. 1-8
- 17 March - Simple, Humble and Bold Matthew 16. 1-28
- 16 March - Crumbs from the Table Matthew 15. 1-39
- 15 March - Walking on Water Matthew 14. 1-36
- 14 March - Treasure Hidden in a Field Matthew 13. 36-58
- 13 March - Going for Growth Matthew 13. 1-35
- 11 March - Watch you Language! Matthew 12. 22-50
- 10 March - Lord of the Sabbath Matthew 12. 1-21
- 9 March - My Yoke is Easy Matthew 11. 1-30
- 8 March - A Cup of Cold Water Matthew 10. 2-42
- 7 March - Sheep Without a Shepherd Matthew 9. 1-38
- 6 March - Reaching Out Matthew 8.
- 4 March - Build on the Rock Matthew 7.14-29
- 3 March - Knocking on Heaven's Door Matthew 7.1-13
- 2 March - Treasure in Heaven Matthew 6.19-34
- 1 March - St David's Day - The Secret Space Matthew 6.1-18
- 28 February - Be Perfect (Really?) Matthew 5.17-48
- 27 February - How to be Happy - The sermon on the Mount Matthew 5.1-16
- 25 February - On the Edge Matthew 4.12-25
- 24 February - Jesus in the Wilderness Matthew 4.1-11
- 23 February - Fruits of Repentance Matthew 3.7-17
- 22 February - Dust and Ashes Matthew 3.1-6
Lent 2022
- 17 April - Christ the lord is risen today!
- 15 April - Is it Nothing to You?
- 14 April - The Penitent Thief
- 13 April - Jesus Prayed
- 12 April - Tuesday of Holy Week
- 11 April - Hosanna to the Son of David
- 8 April - On the beach
- 7 April - On the road to Emmaus
- 6 April - Bread in the Wilderness
- 5 April - The cup of blessing
- 4 April - The bread that we break
- 1 April - Deacon Ministry
- 31 March - Now you are the body of Christ
- 30 March - You were doing it to me!
- 29 March - Left hand or right?
- 28 March - Service
- 25 March - I cry to you
- 24 March - Owl or Skylark?
- 23 March - Teach us to Pray
- 22 March - Talkative Prayer
- 21 March - A 5-minute Prayer
- 18 March - Jacob's Ladder
- 17 March - It's just a Parable!
- 16 March - It is not fair!
- 15 March - O be joyful in the Lord
- 14 March - Gladness and Generosity
- 11 March - Invited to the Party
- 10 March - Just a Picnic
- 9 March - Guess who's coming to Dinner?
- 8 March - When you fast ....
- 7 March - Feasting and Fasting
Thy Kingdom Come - Ascension Day to Pentecost
- 23rd May - Rest & Silence (Psalm 62.5-8)
- 22nd May - Wind and Fire (Psalm 104.1-5)
- 21st May - Making Music (Psalm 149.1-4)
- 20th May - Lost in Wonder, Love & Praise (Psalm 84)
- 19th May - A Rock-Solid Psalm (Psalm 46.1-7)
- 18th May - In the Shadow of your Wings (Psalm 57.1-3)
- 17th May - The Lord's my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
- 16th May - A Healing Touch (Psalm 51.1-4)
- 15th May - A Rescuing God (Psalm 116.5-9)
- 14th May - Amazing Grace (Psalm 150)
- 13th May - Ascension Day (Acts 1.1-11)
The First Letter of Peter
- 12th May - Keep the faith and do the litttle things (1 Peter 5)
- 11th May -Trust God and Carry On (1 Peter 4.12-19)
- 10th May - A Picture is Worth 1000 Words (1 Peter 3.13-4.11)
- 7th May - On Human Beauty (1 Peter 3.1-12)
- 6th May - Crossing the Hermeneutical Bridge (1 Peter 2.11-25)
- 5th May - A Stone of Stumbling (1 Peter 2.1-10)
- 4th May - Cost Price (1 Peter 1.13-25)
- 3rd May - Small Miracles (1 Peter 1.1-12)
The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians
- 30th April - Slaves and Masters (Ephesians 6)
- 29th April - An Invitation to Love (Ephesians 5.15-32)
- 28th April - The Imitation Game (Ephesians 5.1-14)
- 27th April - What shall I wear today? (Ephesians 4.17-32)
- 26th April - Walking the Walk (Ephesians 4.1-16)
- 23rd April - The breadth, length, height and depth (Ephesians 3)
- 22nd April - Christian Unity (Ephesians 2.11-end)
- 21st April - Amazing Grace (Ephesians 2.1-10)
- 20th April - Postcode Lottery (Ephesians 1.15-23)
- 19th April - Count your Blessings! (Ephesians 1.1-14)
Lent - The Gospel according to Mark
- 3rd April - A Garden Tomb (Mark 15.40-47)
- 2nd April - The Place of the Skull (Mark 15.1-39)
- 1st April - The House of Caiaphas (Mark 14.32-72)
- 31st March - The Upper Room (Mark 14.1-31)
- 30th March - Not one Stone left upon another (Mark 13)
- 29th March - Any Questions? (Mark 11.12-12.44)
- 26th March - A Ransom for Many (Mark 10.32-52)
- 25th March - The Absurdity of it all (Mark 10.17-31)
- 24th March - Handle With Care (Mark 10.1-16)
- 23rd March - Little Ones (Mark 9.30-50)
- 22nd March - Down the Mountain (Mark 9.14-29)
- 19th March - Up the Mountain (Mark 9.1-13)
- 18th March - Who am I? (Mark 8.27-38)
- 17th March - Bread in the Dessert (Mark 8.1-10)
- 16th March - Going to the Dogs (Mark 7.24-37)
- 15th March - Handwashing (Mark 7.1-23)
- 12th March - Take Heart, it is I (Mark 6.45-56)
- 11th March - Picnic on the Grass (Mark 6.30-44)
- 10th March - Behind the Scenes at the Palace (Mark 6.14-29)
- 9th March - Home-town Boy (Mark 6.1-13)
- 8th March - Contact Tracing (Mark 5.21-43)
- 5th March - On the Other Side (Mark 5.1-20)
- 4th March - Stormy Waters (Mark 4.35-41)
- 3rd March - Mr Men and The Kingdom of God (Mark 4.21-34)
- 2nd March - The Soil, The Seed, The Sower! (Mark 4.1-20)
- 1st March - Family Business (Mark 3.20-35)
- 26th February - Picking a Fight (Mark 3.1-19)
- 25th February - Feast or Fast (Mark 2.13-28)
- 24th February - Your Sins are Forgiven You (Mark 2.1-12)
- 23rd February - A Place Apart (Mark 1.35-45)
- 22nd February - Words of Power (Mark 1.21-34)
- 19th February - Follow Me (Mark 1.12-20)
- 18th February - On Jordan's Bank (Mark 1.4-11)
- 17th February - Borderlands (Mark 1.1-3, Psalm 51)
The Book of Ecclesiastes
- 16th February - Remember your Creator in the days of your Youth (Ecclesiastes 11 &12)
- 15th February - I'm not sure what he's on about! (Ecclesiastes 10)
- 12th February - A Common Destiny for All (Ecclesiastes 9)
- 11th February - Eat, Drink and be Merry! (Ecclesiastes 8)
- 10th February - Praise for Deliverance from Trouble (Psalm 34)
- 9th February - If this is Wisdom, I'd rather be a Fool (Ecclesiastes 7.1-14)
- 8th February - Mere Mortals: A sermon for Creation Sunday (Genesis 2.4-end; Psalm 8; Hebrews 2.5-10)
- 5th February - The Vanity of the Lovers of Money (Ecclesiastes 5)
- 4th February - Oppression, Toil, Friendlessness (Ecclesiastes 4)
- 3rd February - Look at your Life through Heaven's Eyes (Ecclesiastes 3)
- 2nd February - Candlemas (Luke 2.22-40)
- 1st February - Trapped in the Pleasure Dome (Ecclesiastes 2)
- 29th January - Vanity of Vanities! (Ecclesiastes 1)
- 28th January - Pondering the Meaning of Life
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- 27th January - Reconciling with all Creation (Colossians 1.15-20)
- 26th January - Growing in Unity (John 17.2-23)
- 25th January - Welcoming Others (Genesis 18.1-5)
- 22nd January - The Word of God is very Close to You (Deuteronomy 30.11-20)
- 21th January - Praying Together (Luke 11.1-4)
- 20th January - Forming One Body (Colossians 3.12-17)
- 19th January - Maturing Internally (Ephesians 3.14-21)
- 18th January - Abiding in Christ (John 1.35-51)
First letter of John
- 15th January - Keep Yourselves from Idols (1 John 5)
- 14th January - God is Love (1 John 4)
- 13th January - First Lines Really Matter (Psalm 19)
- 12th January - Living as Children of God (1 John 3.1-10)
- 11th January - Living the Truth (1 John 2.18-29)
- 8th January - The Community of the Beloved Disciple (1 John 2.1-17)
- 7th January - Walk in the light
- 23rd December - The Shepherds (Luke 2.8-20)
- 22nd December - The Wise Men (Matthew 2.7-12)
- 21st December - The Donkey (Luke 2.1-5)
- 20th December - Mary (Luke 1.26-38)
- 19th December - The Ox (Isaiah 1.3)
- 18th December - Joseph (Matthew 1.18-25)
- 17th December - The Star (Matthew 2.1-6)
- 16th December - An Angel (Luke 1.26-28)
- 15th December - The Christingle (Galatians 5.22-26)
- 14th December - When Christmas is Sad (Matthew 2.16-18)
- 11th December - The Christmas Tree (Isaiah 61.1-4)
- 10th December - The Reindeer (Isaiah 35.5-6)
- 9th December - Toy Soldiers (Isaiah 2.4; 9.1-6)
- 8th December - The Holly and the Ivy (Isaiah 11.6-9)
- 7th December - The Goose is Getting Fat! (Isaiah 25.1-9)
- 6th December - John the Baptist
- 5th December - Zechariah (Luke 1.57-69)
- 4th December - Elizabeth Getting Ready for Baby (Luke 1.39-45)
- 3rd December - Cleaning the Silver (Malachi 3.11-4.1)
- 2nd December - Christmas Pudding (Psalm 24)
- 1st December - The Cock Crows (Mark 13.5-36)
- 30th November - As of Old St Andrew Heard it (Matthew 4.18-22)/
Thoughts based on the readings for Morning Prayer
- 27th November - The Whore of Babylon (Revelation 17)
- 26th November - The Oppressed and the Poor Look for Water! (Isaiah 41.8-20)
- 25th November - Eagle-Wings (Isaiah 40.27-41.7)
- 24th November - Tidings of Comfort and Joy (Isaiah 40.1-26)
- 23rd November - A Paper Crown (2 Samuel 23.1-7, Matthew 28.16-20)
- 20th November - The Return of the Beast (Revelation 13)
- 19th November - It's not about the Numbers Really! (Daniel 9)
- 18th November - Trapped in a Dark Place (Psalms 56, 57)
- 17th November - Sneaking a Peek at the Throne (Revelation 11)
- 16th November - Somewhere Over the Rainbow (Daniel 8, Revelation 10)
- 13th November - The Ten-Horned Beast (Daniel 7)
- 12th November - Daniel in the Lions' Den! (Daniel 6)
- 11th November - Armistice Day (Revelation 7.9-end)
- 10th November - The Writing on the Wall (Daniel 5)
- 9th November - Delusions of Grandeur (Daniel 4)
- 6th November - Moonshine or Lemonade? (Revelation 3.14-end)
- 5th November - A Bonfire Night Plot! (Daniel 3.1-18)
- 4th November - An Open Letter (Revelation 2.12-end)
- 3rd November - When the Fire turns to Embers (Revelation 2. 1-11)
- 2nd November - The First and the Last (Revelation 1)
- 30th October - The Money Trap ((1 Timothy 6)
- 29th October - Standing in the footsteps of giants (Hebrews 11. 32-40)
- 28th October - Hey Jude! (Jude 1-8)
- 27th October - Old Master? (I Timothy 1. 18-2.15)
- 26th October - Bringing in the Sheaves (Psalm 126, I Timothy 1. 1-17)
The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians
- 23rd October - God has a Plan for You (I Corinthians 16. 10-24)
- 22nd October - Spare Change Christians! (I Corinthians 15.58-16.9)
- 21st October - How are the Dead Raised? (I Corinthians 15. 35-57)
- 20th October - If the Dead are not Raised... (I Corinthians 15. 12-34)
- 19th October - By the Grace of God (I Corinthians 15. 1-11)
- 16th October - Praying in Tongues (I Corinthians 14. 12-40)
- 15th October - Watch you Language! (I Corinthians 14. 1-11)
- 14th October - Seeing in a Mirror Dimly (I Corinthians 13)
- 13th October - A Very Peculiar People (I Corinthians 12.14-30)
- 12th October - Spiritual Gifts (I Corinthians 12.1-13)
- 9th October - The Harvest Samba (I Corinthians 11.23-34)
- 8th October - Too Ecumenical??? (I Corinthians 11.17-22)
- 7th October - On the Other Hand ... (I Corinthians 11.11-16, 14.33-36)
- 6th October - A Woman's Place is ...? (I Corinthians 10.31-11.10)
- 5th October - When the Fun Stops (I Corinthians 10. 14-30)
- 2nd October - God will not test us more than we can endure (I Corinthians 10. 1-13)
- 1st October - Run the Straight Race (I Corinthians 9. 19-27)
- 30th September - Rights and Responsibilities (I Corinthians 9. 1-18)
- 29th September - Food Offered to Idols (I Corinthians 8.)
- 28th September - Trouble and Strife (I Corinthians 7. 25-40)
- 25th September - Living in the In-between Times (I Corinthians 7. 17-24)
- 24th September - Out with Patriarchy! (I Corinthians 7. 1-16)
- 23rd September - Body and Soul (I Corinthians 6. 12-20)
- 22nd September - Taking it to Court (I Corinthians 6. 1-11)
- 21st September - The Problem Page (I Corinthians 5. 1-13)
- 18th September - Who's imitating Who? (I Corinthians 4. 14-21)
- 17th September - What does it mean to be a Disciple of Jesus? (I Corinthians 4. 8-13)
- 16th September - Good Housekeeping (I Corinthians 4.1-8)
- 15th September - Build on the Rock (I Corinthians 3. 16-23)
- 14th September - Follow your Leader (I Corinthians 3.10-15)
- 11th September - How does your Garden Grow? (I Corinthians 3.1-9)
- 10th September - The Mind of Christ (I Corinthians 2. 9-16)
- 9th September - Fear and Trembling (I Corinthians 2. 1-8)
- 8th September - Consider your Calling (I Corinthians 1. 26-31)
- 5th September - The Foolishness of God (I Corinthians 1. 18-25)
- 4th September - A Lady of Letters (I Corinthians 1. 10-17)
- 3rd September - Not just for Vicars! (I Corinthians 1. 1-9)
- 2nd September - The Story so far - Glimpses of God (Acts 18.1-18)
- 1st September - How to be a Church
The Story of Ruth
- 31st July - Who do you think you are? (Ruth 4. 13-22)
- 30th July - A very strong-minded person
- 29th July - Meg's Ruth
- 28th July - Ruth 4 9-12 (Ruth 4. 9-12)
- 27th July - Needing (Ruth 4. 1-8)
- 24th July - The story of Ruth and Boaz is a love story
- 23rd July - Trusting in God to work through others (Ruth 3. 16-18)
- 22nd July - Story of Ruth
- 21st July - Redeeming (Ruth 3. 6-15)
- 20th July - Resisting
- 17th July - A personal reflection on Boaz
- 16th July - Belonging (Ruth 2. 17-23)
- 15th July - Welfare State, Boaz & Kundai
- 14th July - As it happened (Ruth 2. 8-16)
- 13th July - A lesson for our time (Ruth 2 1-7)
- 10th July - Orpah and I
- 9th July - What's in a name (Ruth 1. 19-22)
- 8th July - Hints and Rumours of God (Ruth 1. 6-18)
- 7th July - Where did they flock from (Ruth 1. 1-5)
- 6th July - The Book of Ruth: A tale for our times
Back to the Acts of the Apostles
- 3rd July - The new normal
- 2nd July - So- Whats next? (Acts 1. 8)
- 1st July - Time to rethink
- 30th June - And so to Rome (Acts 28. 11-31)
- 29th June - At home with God (Acts 28. 1-10)
- 27th June - All were brought safely to dry land
- 26th June - Down to the sea again (Acts 27. 1-26)
- 25th June - Double vision or bifocal (Acts 26. 19-32)
- 24th June - Are we there yet (Acts 26. 1-18)
- 23rd June - I appeal to Caesar (Acts 25. 13-27)
- 22nd June - Stop it (Acts 25. 1-12)
- 20th June - On Corruption
- 19th June - Following the Way (Acts 24. 1-16)
- 18th June - Privilege! (Acts 23. 16-35)
- 17th June - Divide and conquer! (Acts 23. 1:15)
- 16th June - Witnesses sought (Acts 22. 17-30)
- 15th June - Would you have liked to be Paul? (Acts 22. 1-16)
- 13th June - I Speak your Language (Acts 21. 27-40)
- 12th June - Homeward Bound (Acts 21. 1-26)
- 11th June - Behold the servant of the Lord (Acts 20. 17-38)
- 10th June - Sermon-sleepers and tumbling teens (Acts 20. 1-16)
- 9th June - The wild-beast show (Acts 19.21-41)
- 8th June - Past put behind us (Acts 19. 1-20)
- 6th June - Paul plants and Apollos waters
- 5th June - Setting up shop (Acts 18. 1-11)
- 4th June - So, what's the story? (Acts 17. 22-34)
- 3rd June - It's in the waiting (Acts 17 1-21)
- 2nd June - Jailhouse Rock (Acts 16. 24-40)
- 1st June - God's Sat-Nav (Acts 16. 1-23)
Ascension Day to Pentecost - Thy Kingdom Come
- 30th May - Who spake by the prophets (Micah 3. 1-8)
- 29th May - Follow the Yellow Brick Road Ezekiel 36. 22-28)
- 28th May - Thy Kingdom Come (Psalm 84. 1-7)
- 27th May - Still Small Voice of Calm (1 Kings 19. 1-18)
- 26th May - Living in a topsy-turvy world (1 Corinthians 12. 1-13)
- 25th May - Wood, hay, straw? (1 Corinthians 3)
- 23rd May - We have been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2)
- 22nd May - God's Repair Shop (Exodus 35.30-36.1; Galatians 5.13-end)
- 21st May - Ascension Day (Luke 24. 44-end)
The Acts of the Apostles
- 19th May - Mute:unmute (Acts 15. 6-21)
- 18th May - You can't be serious .... (Acts 14 24; 15. 1-5)
- 16th May - El jefe? Not me! (Acts 14. 8-23)
- 15th May - Light in the darkness (Acts 13. 44; 14. 1-7)
- 14th May - A word of encouragement (Acts 13. 13-43)
- 13th May - An intelligent man (Acts 13. 4-12)
- 12th May - Breaking Out (Acts 12. 24)
- 11th May - Motives, motives, motives (Acts 12. 1-23)
- 9th May - Strength in diversity (Acts 11.19-30)
- 8th May - New world, old world (Acts 11. 1-18)
- 7th May - Watching & waiting (Acts 10. 21-48)
- 6th May - Peter & Cornelius (Acts 10. 1-20)
- 5th May - Amazing Grace (Acts 9. 19-43)
- 4th May - A flash of light (Acts 9. 1-19)
- 2nd May - What is to prevent me from being baptised? (Acts 8. 26-40)
- 1st May - Scattered but still connected (Acts 8. 4-25; John 14. 1-6)
- 30th April - Sticks and stones ... (Acts 7.54 - 8.4)
- 29th April - In the wilderness (Acts 7. 35-53)
- 28th April - The stories we tell (Acts 7. 1-34)
- 27th April - Talents, gifts and graces (Acts 6. 1-15)
- 25th April - being guided by God (Acts 5. 17-end)
- 24th April - The koinonia challenge (Acts 5. 1-16)
- 23rd April - People who pray (Acts 4. 23-37)
- 22nd April - There is salvation in no one else (Acts 4. 1-22)
- 21st April - Times of refreshing (Acts 3. 14-26)
- 20th April - The healing of the crippled beggar (Acts 3. 1-13)
- 18th April - Parish returns (Acts 2. 40-47)
- 17th April - Getting through (Acts 2. 22-39)
- 16th April - The first Pentecost (Acts 2. 1-21)
- 15th April - Matthias (Acts1. 13-26)
- 14th April - Easter people (Acts 1. 1-12)
Easter Week
- 13th April - The road to Emmaus (Luke 24. 13-25)
- 11th April - The sound of silence (Lamentations 3. 25-33; Matthew 27. 55-66)
- 10th April - Good Friday (Matthew 26: 36-56)
Mainly Psalms
- 9th April - Maundy Thursday (Exodus 12. 1-14; Matthew 26. 17-30)
- 8th April - The servant king (John 13. 1-15)
- 7th April - Ride on, Ride on (Matthew 21. 6-16)
- 6th April - Our hope is in Christ (Matthew 21. 14)
- 4th April - Children (Psalm 127)
- 3rd April - The valley of desolation (Psalm 22; Psalm 126)
- 2nd April - Bogs and Mountains (Psalm 40; Psalm 125)
- 1st April - A Cloud of Witnesses
- 31st March - Robin's Run (Hewbrews 11.32-12.2; Psalm 35, 123, John 8. 32-30)
- 30th March - Faith In Action (Psalm 23)
- 28th March - The valley of the shadow (Psalm 23)
- 27th March - The Heavens are Telling (Psalm 19)
- 26th March - Magic String (Psalm 86)
- 25th March - Shielded (Psalm 91)